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Work for Acme Bread Company in San Francisco, CA Warning (2): filemtime(): stat failed for /var/app/current/app/View/Layouts/../../webroot/css/proven.responsive.min.css [APP/View/Layouts/responsive.ctp, line 69]" type="text/css" />

Acme Bread Company

San Francisco, CA

Acme Bread Company

Open Positions

About Us

Acme's goal remains the same today as in 1983 when the company was founded:
we strive to make the best bread that we possibly can.

What We Look For

Acme is always looking for friendly, motivated staff to help make and sell our wonderful bread.


Acme pays 100% of the coverage cost for medical and dental benefits for full-time employees, and 50% of the coverage cost for the employee's first dependent.

In lieu of paid vacation time, Acme distributes a bonus equivalent to two weeks' average regular wages to each employee upon his or her employment anniversary.

Employees are eligible to enroll in our 401(k) plan after 1 full year of employment; the company provides 100% matching contributions up to the first five percent of salary contributed by the employee.

Profit sharing bonuses are distributed to employees who have completed at least 24 months of service as of the end of the year whose profits are being distributed.

Search, browse and apply to jobs on iOS and Android

(default) 3 queries took 2 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Employer`.`company_name`, `Employer`.`founded_date`, `Employer`.`city`, `Employer`.`state`, `Employer`.`lat`, `Employer`.`lon`, `Employer`.`street_address`, `Employer`.`id`, `Employer`.`about_us`, `Employer`.`company_benefits`, `Employer`.`other_information`, `Employer`.`cultural_description`, `Employer`.`company_expectations`, `Employer`.`recruitment_video`, `Employer`.`looking_for`, `State`.`name`, `Employer`.`zipcode`, `Employer`.`yelp_page`, `Employer`.`facebook_page`, `Employer`.`website`, `Employer`.`company_logo`, `Employer`.`twitter_name`, `User`.`email_validated`, `User`.`active` FROM `proven_production`.`employers` AS `Employer` left JOIN `proven_production`.`states` AS `State` ON (`Employer`.`state`=`State`.`abbreviation`) LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`users` AS `User` ON (`Employer`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `Employer`.`id` = 14092 AND `Employer`.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1111
2SELECT `EmployersJob`.`id`, `EmployersJob`.`open`, `EmployersJob`.`title`, `EmployersJob`.`unique_name`, `EmployersJob`.`description`, `EmployersJob`.`post_date`, `EmployersJob`.`compensation`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_sub_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_sub_sub_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_state` FROM `proven_production`.`employers_jobs` AS `EmployersJob` LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`ut_zipcodes` AS `UtZipcode` ON (`EmployersJob`.`zip` = `UtZipcode`.`zipcode`) WHERE `EmployersJob`.`employer_id` = 14092 AND `EmployersJob`.`open` = 1 AND `EmployersJob`.`anonymous_post` = 0 GROUP BY `EmployersJob`.`id` ORDER BY `EmployersJob`.`post_date` DESC111
3SELECT `EmployerMobileImage`.`file_name` FROM `proven_production`.`employer_mobile_images` AS `EmployerMobileImage` WHERE `EmployerMobileImage`.`employer_id` = 14092 LIMIT 1110