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Work for Island Marine Contractors in Tavernier, FL Warning (2): filemtime(): stat failed for /var/app/current/app/View/Layouts/../../webroot/css/proven.responsive.min.css [APP/View/Layouts/responsive.ctp, line 69]" type="text/css" />

Island Marine Contractors

Tavernier, FL


Open Positions

About Us

Island Marine Contractors is a construction company located in Islamorada, Florida. We are a State Certified General Contractor Lic#CGC1507503. We are involved in all types of construction however we specialize in the marine construction industry, we have 3 barges along with cranes, excavators, and skid steers. Island Marine Contractors is known in the community as one of the leaders in the construction of docks, seawalls, dredging, and pile driving. With every job our main goal is to create the best finished product for our customers at a fair price.

What We Look For

We are looking for highly skilled employees that take pride in their work and have leadership skills.
The ideal person would have extensive knowledge of many types of construction and would be able to read and understand plans, be able to build forms, place steel, construct wood docks and be able to foresee problems in the construction process and make the needed adjustments in advance. A pleasant attitude and must be able to communicate and get along with others in a professional manner.

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(default) 3 queries took 2 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Employer`.`company_name`, `Employer`.`founded_date`, `Employer`.`city`, `Employer`.`state`, `Employer`.`lat`, `Employer`.`lon`, `Employer`.`street_address`, `Employer`.`id`, `Employer`.`about_us`, `Employer`.`company_benefits`, `Employer`.`other_information`, `Employer`.`cultural_description`, `Employer`.`company_expectations`, `Employer`.`recruitment_video`, `Employer`.`looking_for`, `State`.`name`, `Employer`.`zipcode`, `Employer`.`yelp_page`, `Employer`.`facebook_page`, `Employer`.`website`, `Employer`.`company_logo`, `Employer`.`twitter_name`, `User`.`email_validated`, `User`.`active` FROM `proven_production`.`employers` AS `Employer` left JOIN `proven_production`.`states` AS `State` ON (`Employer`.`state`=`State`.`abbreviation`) LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`users` AS `User` ON (`Employer`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `Employer`.`id` = 31228 AND `Employer`.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1111
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