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Cheese Plus

San Francisco, CA

Cheese Plus

Open Positions

About Us

Cheese Plus features the finest specialty foods from Northern California and around the globe. Our cheese selection is the Bay Area's best featuring more than 300 of the most traditional and unique offerings. Our Charcuterie selection includes such notable items as local artisan and imported handcrafted salume, alongside our legendary fresh cheese spreads, and our extremely popular grilled sandwiches. Our Sidewalk Cafe and Parklet features Polk Street's finest coffee from local Equator Coffee Roasters. Our Specialty Foods selection includes the finest oils, chocolates, and condiments to stock a chefs pantry - and some seriously great Wines, too!!

Since opening in 2005, Cheese Plus has achieved double digit positive sales growth each year!

Our Mission Statement:
Cheese Plus will work to achieve the highest standards of pleasurable service through the education and development of its staff and customers in a respectful and professional environment.

Cheese Plus will offer and promote high quality products tangible by their authenticity, methods of production, agricultural, economic, and historical sustainability, source of ingredients, and great taste.

Cheese Plus consistently evaluates the needs of our customers and staff, adapting and growing to meet the greater demands of the community we serve.

Company Culture

We offer a dynamic working environment, with an opportunity to learn and hone your food and customer service skills. Promotional opportunities abound for the highly motivated team member who wants to grow with the company.

From our training manual:
Many businesses like to use key words to describe their focus. At Cheese Plus we use the terms Traditional and Authentic to describe our food focus. These terms help us to focus on established foods from Europe like Parmigiano Reggiano, as well as local artisan foods. But we’re not too preachy about our foods – we’re simply looking for tasty foods that our customers will appreciate and we can be proud to offer!

Cheese Plus is a for-profit company, and we proudly discuss our need for profit to survive and thrive as a business. Expect daily discussions of our sales and financial goals; otherwise how will you know if your efforts to provide great service and tasty food are working or not? It’s important we continue to grow our sales to stay in business and provide income for all our team members.

Cheese Plus is the land of personal responsibility. So what does that mean? It means team members are empowered to do the right thing at all times.
It means talking to the customers. It means the expectation to open any item in the store for sampling with a customer. It means offering your positive opinion about your experience here. And finally, it means it’s your personal responsibility to provide awesome customer service to our customers, and to be a hard working pro-active member of our team here at Cheese Plus everyday.

What We Look For

Our approach to service and team building requires all team members to train and develop their skills in every area of the store. Join the team and become an expert in Cheese, Wine, Chocolate, Specialty Foods, and More!

We expect all prospective employees to be self-starters who show initiative and a strong sense of personal and professional responsibilities. Additionally we're looking for food-loving folks with:

• Desire to serve/work with others to create and enhance a positive and efficient goal directed workplace
• Passion for food - either cooking or eating!
• A high degree of accuracy and attention to detail
• Strong interpersonal and customer service skills, with the ability to use common-sense good judgment, while collaborating positively in a hands-on team environment
• Willing and available to work flexible work schedules, to meet the changing requirements during store hours.
• Consistent, regular, dependable attendance


We offer flexible scheduling, a full host of medical, dental, and vision plans, commuter benefits, generous paid time off benefits, along with free knife sharpening and a 20% in-store shopping discount.

Other Information

Cheese Plus is an independently owned business with an active owner working alongside the team. We are a thriving San Francisco business with sales growth exceeding 20% annually. Our sales per square foot rivals any big box retailer and are committed to exploring opportunities to grow our business to better serve our customers and community.

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(default) 3 queries took 2 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
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