Notice (8): MemcachePool::get(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection timed out (110) [CORE/Cake/Cache/Engine/MemcacheEngine.php, line 152]
Warning (512): default cache was unable to write '_employer_first_86093118158d526e84ebdfc86a1b1354' to Memcache cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 328]
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Work for Colony Palms Hotel in Palm Springs, CA Warning (2): filemtime(): stat failed for /var/app/current/app/View/Layouts/../../webroot/css/proven.responsive.min.css [APP/View/Layouts/responsive.ctp, line 69]" type="text/css" />

Colony Palms Hotel

Palm Springs, CA

Open Positions

About Us

Colony Palms Hotel is one of Palm Springs’ most iconic and luxurious downtown hotels. Located just one block off the city’s main downtown strip and built in the 1930s, the 57-room resort retains many charming features of the original Spanish colonial architecture, from arched entryways and coved ceilings to original Moorish floor tiles and is home to the Purple Palms Restaurant.


We offer Medical, Dental, & Vision benefits, a Wellness program, 401(k) plan, generous Paid Time Off, and discounts to our proprietary properties.

Search, browse and apply to jobs on iOS and Android

(default) 3 queries took 2 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Employer`.`company_name`, `Employer`.`founded_date`, `Employer`.`city`, `Employer`.`state`, `Employer`.`lat`, `Employer`.`lon`, `Employer`.`street_address`, `Employer`.`id`, `Employer`.`about_us`, `Employer`.`company_benefits`, `Employer`.`other_information`, `Employer`.`cultural_description`, `Employer`.`company_expectations`, `Employer`.`recruitment_video`, `Employer`.`looking_for`, `State`.`name`, `Employer`.`zipcode`, `Employer`.`yelp_page`, `Employer`.`facebook_page`, `Employer`.`website`, `Employer`.`company_logo`, `Employer`.`twitter_name`, `User`.`email_validated`, `User`.`active` FROM `proven_production`.`employers` AS `Employer` left JOIN `proven_production`.`states` AS `State` ON (`Employer`.`state`=`State`.`abbreviation`) LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`users` AS `User` ON (`Employer`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `Employer`.`id` = 13720 AND `Employer`.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1111
2SELECT `EmployersJob`.`id`, `EmployersJob`.`open`, `EmployersJob`.`title`, `EmployersJob`.`unique_name`, `EmployersJob`.`description`, `EmployersJob`.`post_date`, `EmployersJob`.`compensation`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_sub_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_sub_sub_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_state` FROM `proven_production`.`employers_jobs` AS `EmployersJob` LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`ut_zipcodes` AS `UtZipcode` ON (`EmployersJob`.`zip` = `UtZipcode`.`zipcode`) WHERE `EmployersJob`.`employer_id` = 13720 AND `EmployersJob`.`open` = 1 AND `EmployersJob`.`anonymous_post` = 0 GROUP BY `EmployersJob`.`id` ORDER BY `EmployersJob`.`post_date` DESC111
3SELECT `EmployerMobileImage`.`file_name` FROM `proven_production`.`employer_mobile_images` AS `EmployerMobileImage` WHERE `EmployerMobileImage`.`employer_id` = 13720 LIMIT 1000