Notice (8): MemcachePool::get(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection timed out (110) [CORE/Cake/Cache/Engine/MemcacheEngine.php, line 152]
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Warning (512): default cache was unable to write '_employermobileimage' to Memcache cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 328]
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Open Positions

About Us

bvoip is a channel company that works with the IT Service Industry. Our goal is to connect our partners with a powerful stack of communication software to solve the need for voice, video, and business CRM software integration. We are an young company looking for motivated people who are energetic and willing jump on board of an up and coming company.

For more information, visit

Other Information

We invite all qualified candidates to apply. Please note, you must be eligible to work in the United States to be considered for this role. We thank everyone for their interest, however only successful applicants will be contacted.

No recruiters or phone calls please!

Search, browse and apply to jobs on iOS and Android

(default) 3 queries took 2 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Employer`.`company_name`, `Employer`.`founded_date`, `Employer`.`city`, `Employer`.`state`, `Employer`.`lat`, `Employer`.`lon`, `Employer`.`street_address`, `Employer`.`id`, `Employer`.`about_us`, `Employer`.`company_benefits`, `Employer`.`other_information`, `Employer`.`cultural_description`, `Employer`.`company_expectations`, `Employer`.`recruitment_video`, `Employer`.`looking_for`, `State`.`name`, `Employer`.`zipcode`, `Employer`.`yelp_page`, `Employer`.`facebook_page`, `Employer`.`website`, `Employer`.`company_logo`, `Employer`.`twitter_name`, `User`.`email_validated`, `User`.`active` FROM `proven_production`.`employers` AS `Employer` left JOIN `proven_production`.`states` AS `State` ON (`Employer`.`state`=`State`.`abbreviation`) LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`users` AS `User` ON (`Employer`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `Employer`.`id` = 30657 AND `Employer`.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1111
2SELECT `EmployersJob`.`id`, `EmployersJob`.`open`, `EmployersJob`.`title`, `EmployersJob`.`unique_name`, `EmployersJob`.`description`, `EmployersJob`.`post_date`, `EmployersJob`.`compensation`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_sub_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_sub_sub_city`, `EmployersJob`.`craigslist_state` FROM `proven_production`.`employers_jobs` AS `EmployersJob` LEFT JOIN `proven_production`.`ut_zipcodes` AS `UtZipcode` ON (`EmployersJob`.`zip` = `UtZipcode`.`zipcode`) WHERE `EmployersJob`.`employer_id` = 30657 AND `EmployersJob`.`open` = 1 AND `EmployersJob`.`anonymous_post` = 0 GROUP BY `EmployersJob`.`id` ORDER BY `EmployersJob`.`post_date` DESC221
3SELECT `EmployerMobileImage`.`file_name` FROM `proven_production`.`employer_mobile_images` AS `EmployerMobileImage` WHERE `EmployerMobileImage`.`employer_id` = 30657 LIMIT 1000